By the time college admissions approaches, our students are firing on all cylinders with unique and strategic thinking as they approach the college decision and application process.

  • Common Application and Coalition assistance: each step, start to finish
  • Resume preparation and advice on strongest presentation of activities
  • Primary college essay: brainstormed, written, and edited
  • Grid with timeline for completion of remaining application requirements
  • Take-home workbook with all materials and student notes

At Breakaway Prep, no two programs are the same. Every student is different, and our approach reflects the diversity of need that makes each student unique. Whether they need math help, language arts help, or help navigating the college applications process, our experienced educators and counselors bring clarity and mindfulness to an often angst-ridden time of their lives.

Breakaway Prep Common Application Bootcamp

    • Common Application assistance: each step, start to finish

    • Resume preparation and advice on strongest presentation of activities

    • Primary college essay: brainstormed, drafted, and edited

    • Grid with timeline for completion of remaining application requirements

    • Workbook with all materials and student notes

    • (16hrs workshop plus essay review) $995

    Graduation Year:

    Please select session/dates

    “I could say one million thank yous! Your level of organization and wisdom is unparalleled. You really eased so much of my anxiety.”
    Chatham High School student

    One-on-one Instruction

    There is no better way to prepare a student than one-on-one. We focus on your student’s strengths and weaknesses.

    Thoughtful Planning

    We help students and parents prepare for college in a more thoughtful, well-planned, personalized way.

    Test Us! Discover the Difference

    Breakaway Prep welcomes students to become engaged with our program pre-enrollment. No deposit. No obligation.

    10+ locations

    Register for a Practice Test

    When it comes to doing well on the SAT and ACT, practice makes more perfect. Register today!

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